Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Conversation with God If You Could Ask God Anything What Would It Be? By Alton Gansky

A Conversation with God If You Could Ask God Anything What Would It Be? Is a book I really couldn’t get through; I didn’t agree with some of questions-as a Christian myself I go on blind faith; when we question ourselves and God the answer ‘why’ seems irrelevant. Don’t get me wrong the book serves a good purpose to the age old question and it gives plenty of references to back it up-but I just couldn’t get into it. The format of the book is very unique in the way it asks the questions; and the cover is eye-catching but in my solon opinion I cannot recommend the book. Every opinion differs but I did have some problems with some questions asked; which made me wonder why people ask God so many out there questions-but it does reference a lot back to the bible and it flows…but like I said I couldn’t read all the way through so my opinion on it doesn’t really count.